Monday, September 10, 2007

Legal Action and Yahoo Customer Care

Legal Action and Yahoo Customer Care

The Yahoo Customer Care should have restrained from temporarily suspend/inactivate email without contacting or consulting Faruque Ahmed.

I hope this mater would be resolved without legal action and at this stage only Yahoo can facilitate this.

--- In, "mamubhi" wrote:

Frivolous and Vexatious Michael Jools

Frivolous and vexatious Jools and Bradley basically lost at the NSW Supreme Court as reported earlier. They also lost at the NSW TDA AGM other day. The membership expelled both of them from the NSW TDA for a number of reasons and offences Jools and Bradley have committed.
The Yahoo Customer Service Centre went on to listen to some false and unsubstantiated allegations of ill-motivated Jools and Bradley as well as a few of their `cult' followers false and creative complaints against honest and hardworking . The Yahoo CS also made a decision without proper investigation and the YCS failed to hear or even ask a question to! Naturally, a decision of this nature denies natural justice and places obstruction to free speech and investigating reporting.

--- In, "mamubhi" wrote:

Further to
Jackson of Yahoo Customer Care Ted, Earnie and Faruque sat at the bar table as a team and spoke as a team. Earnie called Jools a liar in front of the judge. Jools was alone at the bar table. His cult followers were not around him. Jools's unreasonable and unlawful demands were rejected by the judge. The TDA executive committee in their letter already allowed Jools and Bradley to present their case at the AGM despite strong opposition from the membership. I suspect the Judge worked out the fact that Jools was a liar, frivolous and vexatious person (I gained the impression from the judge's angry voice when he said, "what do you want Mr. Jools"). Jools gained nothing at the court.

At the end of the day, democracy and free speech will win.

--- In, "Cabbie Rights" wrote:Re: [ozcabs] Contact Details/Website for Victorian Taxi Driver's Association

Good on you Wally.

Had a look, nice site and simple to navigate.Good luck and please free to learn from the mistakes of the NSWTDA.Hmmm......we got to get us a chaplain, I am sure the confessions he would hearwould drive him insane.
Any voulanteers?........hey a new Ctee position for the NSWTDA........a chaplaina.k.a........ a psychoanalist........Even the judges wig at today's supreme court hearing could be seen sheddinghair......
Thank God, Farouque was not allowed to speak......The judge would have beentotally bald by then.....
I must admit Hirsch presented himself very well and professional even though hewas not dressed the part, fancy turning up at the Supreme Court in Track Topsand it looked like he slept in them too. Oh well I suppose anarchists havelittle respect for law and order.
On the otherhand, I was surprised at Joolsy's presentation, although dressed thepart, he seemed to be lost for words....not like you Michael, did the cat getyour otherwise witty and sharp tongue?
Lol we should have had Gerrard there, now that would have been entertaining,...........I can just imagine Gerard and Farouque at eachother......Sic em lads...............After throwing the gavel at that pair,the judge would have to get the new APEC anti terror squad to remove them aseven the bailifs would run for cover.......
Sorry peeps, I have been drinking heavily again, todays events somewhat un nerved me. Jesus I need a bloody holiday.


----- Original Message -----From: Wally HuntTo: Thursday, August 30, 2007 5:56 PMSubject: [ozcabs] Contact Details/Website for Victorian Taxi Driver's Association

Hi People,

Well It's been a long time coming, but the new website of the VTDA is up and running, you can look at this link.


Sources: ozcabs and Free America Now

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:
Frivolous and Vexatious Michael Jools

From: "miranda Devine"
View Contact Details
To: taxi_faruque@...
RE: frivolous and vexatious complaints
Wed, 15 Aug 2007 00:52:53 +1000

miranda Devine wrote:

Thank you Faruque.
All the best,

Miranda Devine
The Sydney Morning Herald &The Sun-Herald
201 Sussex Street
Sydney 2000
02 9282-1102

The NSW TDA Executive Committee has unanimously rejected Michael Jools's illegal, immoral, unethical and squarely false claims yesterday. The Committee also rejected all of those false complaints against Faruque Ahmed and therefore the Yahoo, Google or any other organisation must note and instantly reject Michael Joolse's frivolous and vexatious complaints. It appears the graduate of
House of Australian Vagabond Dictators" Jools did not like Adolph Hitler to Ross Nelson! However, Jools or anyone is welcome to defend or refute any untrue claims/allegations made against him or anyone for that mater in any of these webs, blogs or newsgroups.

--- In, "destodesperate" wrote:

For the information of Committee the following post is in the Pending tray at Forum. As I disagree with many aspects of its claims to factual reporting, IF it appears on Forum it should be responded to in quite some detail which I won't take time out of a shift to do now.However I DO believe that you should all look very closely at the following:Your comments (ideally at Sunday's committee meeting)on whether or not it should appear on Forum at all are welcome.


From: "joolstaxi99" <>Date: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:25 pm
Subject: letter to NSWTDA
Michael Jools
120 Evans St,
PO Box 322 Rozelle NSW 2039

Mr. Ted Hirsh
The Secretary
Alexandria NSW 2015

This letter is to express my concern for the future of the NSW TDA if it were to continue to be represented by such a pompous and incompetent fool as yourself, and such a malicious and irresponsible person as your committee member, Faruque Ahmed.Two deposits of $40.00 each were made on 26th June to the account of the NSW TDA by me through the Commonwealth Bank. They had detail in account description of "joolsnelson" and "bradleyhadid" , and not of "julesnelson".My Bank transfer system does not permit the use of an alpha numeric mix or of space slashes. The request to use the Taxi Authority number as a reference is not universally practicable. The form which seeks to verify membership detail was so ill prepared as to not contain the NSW TDA BSB Number, and the request is merely to return a `corrected' form. There is no particular reason to return an update form of which all details are correct, nor is this described as a renewal form.The payments are not in respect of renewal applications for membership. They are payments for the renewal of membership of Michael Jools, Ross Nelson, David Bradley and Mohammed Hadid.I note that Nelson and Hadid have both received new (and rather crudely altered) membership cards, although these have been denied to myself, Michael Jools (not `Jules') and Bradley. All four of us have however received communications from the TDA advising of an Annual General Meeting on Father's Day September 2nd which presumably were sent to all financial members. I expect to receive a membership card prior to the AGM.These communications do not provide the normally expected details of Agenda, Treasurer's Report for consideration, Notices of Motion, nor the rather basic nomination form for elections.I request also therefore that a proper Notice be sent, and one which includes all of the Notices of Motion now before the Committee. If you wish for comment on all or any or any parts of those Motions, please advise me so that I may prepare a comment to balance any comments the committee may wish to advise to members. Both such comments should of course be in writing and accompany the Notice of Meeting so that all members can be aware of proceedings.That is the transparent and proper way.Last year, when Hirsch moved and spoke in favour of his own suspension from the Committee, and rejected mediation from the Community Justice Centre, after he had called an illegal meeting, he then withheld all the minutes and records.After last years' elections Hirsch, Ahmed and a few others disrupted meetings. They even called in the Police to disrupt a genuine taxi drivers meeting, which aimed at following the rules, and informing drivers about the state of the industry. They then suspended the President, but have refused to have a meeting for members to ratify their decision. Now Hirsch again refuse to have a mediation session with the Community Justice Centre as provided in the Department of Fair Trading's Association model rules. In the whole year there has not been a single General Meeting. And now we have a stuffed-up AGM.The person, Faruque Ahmed, who posts unsolicited e-mails, blogs and forum –type under several different names addresses and pseudonyms, is certainly an "idiot savant", without the savant. His last few diatribes, some of which impute and claim relationship with the NSWTDA, and appear to speak on its behalf, reflect very badly on the sanity and commonsense of taxi drivers, and should be repudiated by the NSWTDA. I have contacted Yahoo to express these concerns, and of my personal concern at his defamatory and racially motivated attacks.In the interests of taxi drivers self respect, and respect by the community towards taxi drivers, I suggest that this person be appropriately restrained.Michael Jools Friday, August 10, 2007By the way…. The ATDA has won a 6% Fare increase

Free America Now

Thu, 09 Aug 2007 18:50:21 +0000

i want say any thing because i have more respect than you fool go and see a doctor may be steel a hope in recovery...? after all 50/50 chance ?????????????????????????????????????????????

--- In, "union_faruque" wrote:

Enough is Enough

Further to
Adolph Hitler to Ross Nelson and "Sick Mick - LOL", a number of NSW TDA members rang me up and said, they will not be attending the Annual General meeting, if Jools and Bradley are invited. I can understand the sentiment behind such expressions. However, we have to convince our members to follow the democratic way and vote out this House of Australian Vagabond Dictators graduated from Robert Woodger.

It is true people are sick and tired of them. Because of these greedy and self centred people we have lost many opportunities and time. Enough is enough.

Despite all of our difficulties, I am hoping to have three letters before the AGM and possibly at the next committee meeting.
1. Letter to the Minister for Transport re our safety,
2. Letter to the same Minster and Phil Simpson regarding the proposed regulation,
3. Letter to the Airport people cc to Minister for Transport and WorkCover NSW.

Source: Free Australia Now

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